Course: Exploring the myrtaceae plants of southern Chile

The objective of this course is for participants to learn to recognize and distinguish species in the sunken forest of the Llanquihue province, focusing especially on the Myrtaceae family, which with a considerable number of species in the region is one of the most extensive and challenging families to identify.

At the end of the course, participants are expected to be able to identify plants based on their morphology (physical characteristics), understand the conservation status of the species and have knowledge of their ecology.

Myrtaceae of Southern Chile

To create a society that truly loves and reveres the natural world, we must offer its citizens life-changing experiences in nature.

The sunken forests of southern Chile, also known as swamp forests or “hualve”, are currently facing a significant threat to their survival. The proliferation of small residential plots of land, deforestation, soil desertification and the lack of understanding of the ecosystem services they provide have led to a drastic reduction in their extent over the years.

As a consequence, these ecosystems have acquired a worldwide singularity in their category, standing out for the unique diversity of flora and fauna species they harbor.

The preservation of these forests is essential not only to maintain the biological richness they harbor, but also to safeguard the valuable services they provide to the environment and local communities.



The course is structured in 2 modules. A theoretical module that incorporates contents of identification, characterization and ecology of native flora; and a practical module of field identification. In addition, 2 hours of self-study in preparation for the final evaluation are considered. The course consists of a total of 18 hours.

The cost of this course is$85.000

Help us preserve our most important legacy: The Nature